A dog-attack deterrent spray with a maximum range of 3 metres. This 40 g container provides approximately 60 one-second bursts of spray. A jogger style holster is included. 0.50% Capsaicin.
This product is sold as Dog Repellent only, and is to be used exclusively for that purpose. It is not the intention of the manufacture or its agents to represent this product as 100% effective in all situations that may arise.
This product is sold without warranty, expressed r implied. No warranty or representation is made as to this products ability to protect users from any injury or death. There is no guaranteed method of responding to a dog encounter, each encounter is unique. Purchaser understands this product is a deterrent only, and as such the purchaser will not hold the manufacturer, seller, or its agents liable for death, injury or consequent damages arising out of the use, misuse or inability to use the product.
* MUST BE 18+ TO PURCHASE, please provide date of birth when ordering.